I am Kanchi Jobanputra.
Orientation module
There was an Old Person of Mold,Who shrank from sensations of cold;So he purchased some muffs,Some furs, and some fluffs,And wrapped himself up from the cold.
Putting ideas into practice.
Live sketching in Eksar Village(topic)
We had a module on live sketching in Eksar Village where I focused on the Eksar Talav and all the different perspectives around the talav.
Drawings in process
The Light Box by Rohan Chavan
Pattern and Form
Exercise 1
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Pair activity
Function: doing planks/ workout position
Our function was doing planks/ workout position so in doing planks the pressure goes on the forearm area so to minimise it we flattened the surface and elongated the elbow to give support to ourselves during the plank. The geometric ratio of the forearm was 1:2 and that of the bicep area was 2:3.
2C form
In this period of 2 weeks we made prosthetics to showcase our relationship or our interaction with animals around us and we specifically made it with butterflies. We made a prosthetics suit taking inspiration from Nick Cave.